(Fandom sometimes) column means some people use this alternate spelling. It isn’t universal, though. A lot of people use the game version. (If the fandom column is blank, assume the game column is what the English fans are using. The VNDB column is inaccurate to the fandom, in my experience!)

Japanese English (game) English (fandom sometimes) English (VNDB)
世長 創司郎 Yonaga Soshiro Yonaga Soushiro Yonaga Soushirou
中座 秋吏 Chuza Shuri Chuuza Shuuri
江西 録朗 Enishi Rokuro Enishi Rokurou
海堂 岳信 Kaido Dakeshin Kaidou Dakeshin
茂成 秀吾 Monari Shugo Monari Shuugo
鳳 京士 Otori Kyoji Ootori Kyouji Ootori Kyouji
田中右 宙為 Tanakamigi Chui Tanakamigi Chuui Tanakamigi Chuui
丹頂 ミドリ Tancho Midori Tanchou Midori